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Awakened Heart Transformation Guide

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Meditation is a means of quieting the mind to bring us into the moment. It has existed for centuries in different cultures and religions. It can take many forms. There are many practices that can be meditation. In the 1960’s it started to become more popular in the U.S.

Breathing exercises, prayers, mantras, spiritual texts, sounds and frequencies, visualization, music, ocean sounds, nature sounds, crystal bowls, yoga, meditation in motion, sitting meditation, and many more – all can lead to a deep relaxed state of awareness. The true purpose of all these techniques is to clear the mind of any thoughts, feeling and emotions that arise and to bring you to a state of centeredness and awareness.

When you meditate you are the Observer – observing whatever shows up in your awareness, without judging it. Not judging or reacting to pictures you might see in your mind and not reacting to thoughts or emotions that might come up. The whole concept is not to get involved or react, but to just “BE”.

Are you confused on which Meditation

Technique to use?

Everyone is different, therefore there are different types of meditations that are complimentary for any individual.  Not one fits all.  Depending on your Element and Essence type, it's important to have the right meditation that's according to your essence type and that resonates with you.  Example:  There are people that can easily listen to the sound of the ocean, buy for someone else it could be very distracting and disturbing.  For someone else it could be complete silence, or chanting mantras, etc.  When you know who you are without a shadow of a doubt that means you have control over your life.  When you have the right meditation for you, you can comfortably and easily meditate without feeling that it's a struggle or challenge.  

Practicing meditation that's right for you is important in order to receive the full benefits. Meditation itself is not a technique but a way of being one with all, “the inner observer”. Meditation is important in order to find that peace within, to have a calm the mind, feeling and a feeling of harmony and balance.  There are many health benefits when meditating  and by applying the right meditation is crucial when making important decision and for emotionally, spiritually and physically and for everyday living.

I can show you what kind of meditation is

right for you, based on your Essence Type!

I have studied many meditation techniques. Here’s what I’ve discovered and experienced after practicing meditation for over 20 years:

  • Knowing what kind of meditation is important in order to stay in a calm and peaceful state of being.
  • Helps in interpersonal relationships.
  • Being able to witness the mind.
  • When the mind starts to engage in chatter how to observe the mind.
  • Not reacting when the mind engages in past traumatic experiences.
  • How to meditate and just notice what you are feeling.
  • How to come back when the mind starts to wonder and creates a story.
  • Having control over your life.
  • Noticing where you put your attention
  • And more!

As I continue to practice meditating according to who I am, I notice my mind is no longer in control and I'm able to accept whatever shows up – about anything and everything.  I can stop pushing my thoughts, feelings and emotions away and the mind chatter slows down in time. Eventually, the mind chatter wasn’t an issue. I allowed whatever to showed up and just be and eventually it dissipated on its own.  When I’ve gone deeper into meditation I’ve been able to see colors, felt energies around me, and hear different frequencies of sounds.

​We have been programmed at an early age – consciously or unconsciously – by our family, school, friends, television, radio, magazines, and newspapers and so on. Our minds picked up all kinds of impressions, then we interpreted what we saw and heard as experience, then we formed beliefs around this “experience”. These beliefs have conditioned what we are today. We are like antennas. Our mind picks up information, sends the information to the unconscious mind and then creates a belief around it. A lot of what we’ve picked up doesn’t really belong to us. Some beliefs have protected us from uncomfortable situations but those same beliefs can often prevent us from seeing the truth in other areas in our lives.

​According to Rob Nairn, the author of the book What is Meditation?,“It [Meditation] is a highly alert and skillful state of mind because it requires one to remain psychologically present, and with whatever happens in and around one, without adding to or subtracting from it in any way.

According to the Frontier in Human Neuroscience, "Meditation increases the depth of information processing and improves the allocation of attention in space.”

Find the Right Meditation that's Right for You! 

According to Your Essence Type!

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